Michael Mitchell
Michael lives in Falconbrook Ward. He works in finance having built up a successful career over many years. He wishes to utilise his professional skills in the local council to help maintain the good work of the council in delivering lower council tax than neighbouring boroughs.
In addition, Michael is a trained mental heath first aider & is keen to make sure provision is provided locally to help residents. He is an experienced local councillor and is keen to serve you if you elect him on 5th May.
Jasmine Rahman
Jasmine has lived in Battersea for the past six years. She spent lockdown shielding so understands the challenges faced by those with long-term health conditions. Having graduated from Law school in April, Jasmine is looking forward to qualifying as a solicitor. If elected, Jasmine hopes to use her experience working in pro bono legal clinics to help residents resolve their problems.
Jasmine is also the Events, Socials and Fundraising Officer for the Conservative Young Women’s Organisation, in addition to being on the Executive Committee for the Conservative Muslim Forum.