Nightingale News
January 2020 E-bulletin
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Nightingale Ward, London Borough of Wandsworth
Email: [email protected]
We are here to help with any Council matters. You can contact us via our council emails ( [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ) or the email above.
Jaggard Way Planning Application Refused
We are delighted that the outline planning application to build 4 blocks of 4 storeys housing commercial units and 72 flats next to Wandsworth Common station was refused on 29 November 2019. Cllr Sarah McDermott spoke at the planning committee on behalf of objectors raising the issues of inappropriate siting of modern blocks next to Wandsworth Common and the conservation area, the lack of replacement space for viable commercial units and the impact on the amenity of the Ravenslea Road neighbours.
The planning committee members discussed the proposal in detail and voted unanimously to refuse the application for the following reason:
The proposal, by reason of the unacceptable reductions in received daylight to the neighbouring residential occupiers of Ravenslea Road, would result in demonstrable harm to their existing living conditions. This would be to the detriment of their amenity. As such, the proposal is contrary to Policy DMS1(c) of the London Borough of Wandsworth Development Management Planning Document 2016.
The applicants can appeal or submit a new application. We will keep you posted.
Community Speed Watch
On Tuesday 4 February 9-10am the Speedwatch team will be on Balham High Road (between Balham Park Road and Balham tube station). This will be the first time we will be working with the police to check the 30mph limit on the main A24 red route. Cllr Ian Hart comments, ‘Many families and children cross this busy main road, so it is vital that motorists keep to a safe speed’. Come and join us and see how speed is recorded and motorists warned.
Wandsworth Council Declares a Climate Emergency
Wandsworth Council has set itself the target of becoming the greenest borough in inner London. Councillors are in the process of setting up a comprehensive and ambitious action plan with the aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
Residents are vital partners with the Council to achieve our goal. Roadshows and meetings will be set up to share innovative ideas. In the meantime, if you have any bright ideas on how we each can do our individual bit towards tackling climate change, do contact your Nightingale councillors. And remember you can buy a discounted compost bin from the Council
Tooting Bec Small Business Network
Businesses and shops in Tooting Bec are keen to work together to support each other and improve the shopping experience for all of us. If you are a local business or know one who might be interested in joining the Network contact Laura Shimili-Mears at [email protected]
The first monthly networking event is on Wednesday 29 January 5.30pm at the Wheatsheaf.
We are delighted to announce that the Wandsworth Tree Wardens won the inaugural Environmental Civic Award in the autumn. They are a very active and well run volunteer group who work with the Council to look after our trees. Sarah McDermott is a tree warden and encourages more Nightingale residents to join this very worthwhile group. If you have any suggestions on new locations for trees, just let us know.
Beautify Balham
A small voluntary group has set up to improve the public realm around Balham (Beautify Balham). The plan is to work towards preventing littering and fly-tipping, planting trees and smartening up the look of Balham. Cllr Sarah McDermott and Cllr Lucy Mowatt (Balham ward) are helping to start the venture off. The first event will be a Litter Pick on Saturday 1 February 2020 at 11am meeting at Bedford Hill Place behind Sainsbury’s. Do come along and join us.
After lobbying by councillors and the Balham Society, the fascinating sculptures (bas-reliefs) along Station Road now have a plaque identifying the artists. More culture in Balham!
Bellevue Road
Following our successful petition to have Bellevue Road included in the borough-wide 20mph zone, a formal consultation took place in the autumn to find out residents’, shoppers’ and business views. The replies are now with Council officers for analysis and will be presented to the next Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Cllr Ian Hart says, ‘The benefits of a 20mph speed limit are safer roads encouraging more people to walk and cycle which supports Wandsworth’s target of being the cleanest and greenest inner London borough’
Also wooden bollards are being renewed along the boundary with Wandsworth Common to ensure the common land is protected.
Oakmead Road/Ravenstone Road No Through Road?
The residents of Oakmead Road and Ravenstone Street are blighted by vehicles rat-running to avoid the traffic lights on Balham High Road. Cllr Richard Field will be presenting a very well supported petition at the next Council meeting with the following wording,
‘ We the residents of Oakmead Road and Ravenstone Street, request for Oakmead Road to be blocked off to through traffic at Bedford Hill (with the provision for height restricted vehicles to reverse back from the bridge) ’. Council officers will next investigate the possibilities.
Chestnut Grove Cycle Lane Protection
Nightingale councillors have acted quickly on cyclists’ worries about the loading and unloading of lorries in the cycle lane leading up to the Balham High Road junction. It is a particular concern for children cycling to school.
At the end of January the Council will be introducing a Monday to Friday, 7am to 10am and 3pm to 7pm, loading and unloading prohibition on the mandatory cycle lane in Chestnut Grove on the approach to Balham High Road. Vehicles must not drive or park in a cycle lane marked by a solid white line. Cllr McDermott, who cycles herself, says the more we can get school children out of cars and on to their bikes the better.
Springfield Development
Cllr Ian Hart attends the Springfield Community Forum – a meeting for local stakeholders and groups to hear more about the development of the Springfield Hospital site. The Hospital Trust now has Government approval for its Full Business Case for the Estate Modernisation Programme. The Master Plan for the site, including modern in-patient buildings, more homes, shops and a new park, was approved in 2012. The next detailed consultation in February will be on the development by Barratt London of houses on the north-eastern boundary of the site backing on to College Gardens (adj Beechcroft Road). Cllr Hart comments, ‘An interesting fact is that 50,000 bricks salvaged from demolition will be recycled and used in developing Springfield Park’. You can find more out at
Bedford Hill, Balham
Although not in Nightingale ward, residents will be interested to hear about the improvements in the pipeline for Bedford Hill in Balham. A consultation last summer gave support for improvements to the public realm to encourage more walking.
Phase 1 includes the introduction of a 20mph speed limit, high quality paving, improved parking bays, increased cycle parking, reduced street clutter and
pedestrian-friendly crossings and sustainable drainage/planting where possible at the junctions of Harberson Road, Shipka Road, Sistova Road and Rossiter Road. This work is planned to start at the end of January and will take about six months.
The later Phase 2 is the improvement of the junction at Bedford Hill, Balham Station Road and Fernlea Road subject to TfL’s final approval.
Safer Nightingale Team (SNT) Meeting
The next SNT meeting is Tuesday 21 January at 7pm in White Eagle Club (Polish Club), 211 Balham High Road. The police report back on their crime-fighting in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Numbers of residents attending continue to rise each meeting. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention.
Graffiti Removal
Whenever graffiti is spotted, Nightingale councillors are quick to report it and have it removed. We are especially pleased to see anti-social paint removed from the vintage post box at the corner of St James’s Drive and Wandsworth Common. Let us know if you see unsightly graffiti or use the Report It app on the Council website:
Cleaning Up The Tooting Bec Area/Trinity Road
Cllrs Field and McDermott arranged to have a walk-about with Council officers at the end of October to pin-point places at Tooting Bec which need more care and attention. The accumulation of litter and cigarette butts in hard-to-reach pavement corners and boundaries with buildings was identified. Loose cabling, fly-tips, blocked gullies, abandoned bike chains were all listed to be addressed. Also we have arranged for litter bins to be cleaned and repaired where needed.
Potential Changes of Ward Boundaries
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has made final recommendations for changes to the number of councillors and ward boundaries in Wandsworth. Potentially, Nightingale ward would become smaller with the loss of the Endlesham area north of the railway line to Balham ward and would be called Trinity. Have your say at:
Althorpe Road To Be Resurfaced
We’re very pleased to let you know that Althorp road will be resurfaced on the 28 th and 29 th of January.
Consultation on H2 Parking Zone
Residents in H2 (roads in the Endlesham area) are about to be consulted on a change of hours in their parking zone. Currently it is a 1 hour restriction but there is a suggestion that this could change to an all-day restriction. The consultation can be found on the Wandsworth Council website:
Phone Boxes
Wandsworth Council has successfully won an appeal to remove an unnecessary phone box outside 194 Balham High Road. The more clutter we can avoid on the Balham High Road pavements, the better.
Councillor Surgeries
If you would like to meet a local councillor, the Nightingale and Balham councillors hold monthly surgeries at Balham library every Saturday from 10-11am. No need to book – just turn up.
Finding Out About Your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors.
Future Nightingale E-Bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
Dear Fernside Road residents,
Secure Parking Consultations (Bike Hangars) Bicycle
Don’t forget to give your views on the Wandsworth Council consultation to have bike hangars on Fernside Road. It is open until 10th November 2019. The consultation can be accessed here
The consultation document contains all necessary information about the operation of the hangars. Please read carefully and send in your views and comments.
Conservative councillors are proud that Wandsworth Council unanimously took the lead in declaring a climate emergency at the July Council meeting. It aims to be the greenest borough in inner London. Green initiatives include further increasing car club use, installing LED street lights, putting in electric charging points in every road, opposing the expansion of Heathrow, encouraging more recycling, planting hundreds of trees, making Council buildings and vehicles more energy efficient and educating children and families on the least polluting ways to get to school. To find out more, please follow this link. wandsworthgreenambition
With cycling becoming ever more popular and a good way to reduce pollution on our streets, we know that many of you would welcome the opportunity to rent space in a secure bike ‘shed’ on your road. The consultation also gives you the chance if you have any other views on cycle hangars.
Best Wishes,
Cllr Richard Field Cllr Ian Hart Cllr Sarah McDermott
Nightingale News
September 2019 E-bulletin
The latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Nightingale Ward, London Borough of Wandsworth
Email: [email protected]
We are here to help with any Council matters. You can contact us via our council emails ([email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]) or the email above.
Jaggard Way
PLEASE NOTE: The Jaggard Way planning application has been further postponed to the 27th November 2019 committee. There are still outstanding matters to be resolved with the applicants in relation to correct documentation, but planning officers anticipate all should be clear for the October meeting.
Even so, have you put in your views on the revised application for Jaggard Way? You can do this right up to the evening of the hearing. You can let us know about your concerns at
You can lodge views and comments direct to Wandsworth Council planning portal at
Local resident and business concerns are still very much to the fore and will be the basis for Cllr McDermott to oppose the application. The main concerns relate to the unsympathetic design and mass next to the conservation area and Wandsworth Common, the viability of any replacement commercial units limited as they would be by space/parking and the proximity of the new blocks to the homes on Ravenslea Road.
Community Speed Watch
Our next Nightingale Speedwatch session is on Tuesday 19 November from 5pm until 5.45pm on Balham Park Road. Nightingale councillors still retain the borough lead in holding Speedwatch sessions with the police to educate and remind drivers of 20 mph safety measures. Do come and join us and have a go with the speedgun.
If you feel traffic is regularly exceeding the 20mph limit and causing a danger in your road, do please contact us to see about setting up a Speedwatch event. We have to take our turn with asks from other wards as we all use the same police team – but we will do our best to follow up constituents’ requests.
Wandsworth Council declares a Climate Emergency
Before the summer break, councillors in Wandsworth unanimously agreed to set themselves the target of becoming the greenest borough in inner London. Cllr McDermott spoke in the debate emphasizing the individual responsibility of each and every one of us to lead ‘green’ and sustainable lives – including growing your own vegetables!
Already, the Council has well-established goals to promote electric cars and car clubs, plant more trees, encourage cycling and prevent idling engines – see the news items below. But there is more to do which will be set out in the Council’s Action Plan which is currently being drafted.
More Car Club Spaces
Wandsworth is the most successful borough for car clubs in the country, with around 25,000 members using cars provided by four operators – Co-wheels, Enterprise, Ubeeqo and Zipcar. Car clubs give people access to a car without having to own a vehicle. They can reduce overall car use and thereby contribute to lower levels of local pollution and traffic congestion. A successful car club can also reduce parking pressure, as some members joining the club find that they no longer have need for private car ownership.
More car club spaces are coming to Nightingale in Balham Park Road, Chetwode Road, Hendham Road, Tantallon Road and Wontner Road.
More Trees in Fernside Road
Residents in Fernside Road have noticed that one side of their road has no trees. So we have arranged for the tree officers to find spaces for new trees. Some sites are unsuitable because of BT and cable TV access points, but there is the possibility of four new trees outside 103/105, 83/85, 67/69 and 1/3 Fernside Road. Tree officers will dig trial holes and let us know if planting is feasible.
Old Hospital Close – Dumped cars and fly-tipping problems
Residents continue to be plagued by unsightly and anti-social fly-tipping in Old Hospital Close and still have a problem with illegally parked cars in their parking slots. The Close is managed by a consortium of housing associations. Cllr McDermott is arranging a site meeting in September with housing association officers to pin-point the problem spots and ensure action is taken to sort things out.
Innovative and eye-catching, round, pink bins are cropping up outside our tube stations for the recycling of chewing gum. Amazingly, the gum is collected and turned into a compound to make more Gumdrops. You can see them at Tooting Broadway and Clapham Junction and we hope to have them at Balham and Tooting Bec soon.
Bike storage
Nightingale councillors are very keen to hear from residents if they would like bike storage in their road (sometimes known as bike hangars). As a cyclist, Cllr McDermott knows it can sometimes be difficult for residents without space in their house to know where to secure their bikes. Already we have had requests from a significant number of residents and we are sure there are more to come. We want to make it as easy and simple as possible for people in a road to decide amongst themselves whether a bike hangar is something they would like to have. Contact us via the link below:
#GiveAPlant and National Park City Festival
We were pleased to support the National Park City Festival in July. Sarah McDermott went along to a walk and talk given by Daniel Raven-Ellison (the founder) and arranged by the Friends of Wandsworth Common to show support for London becoming a National Park City, mirroring our rural national parks. Its aim is to make the city greener, healthier and wilder. She also joined the planting workshop at Ravenstone School and handed over #GiveAPlant canisters from Wandsworth Council to grow meadow flowers and herbs from seeds.
Encouraging sensible parking during school drop off/collection times
Over the next half term all the schools in Nightingale will be visited by council officers to encourage and educate parents on considerate and legal parking when dropping off or collecting their children. They will also be asked to turn their engines off. Idling engines raise pollution levels – particularly harmful for children’s young lungs. Even better, see if you can walk, cycle or scoot to school – so much healthier for everyone!
Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) meeting
The next SNT meeting is Tuesday 8 October 2019 at 7pm in White Eagle Club (Polish Club), 211 Balham High Road. We have asked for representatives from the Old Hospital Close housing associations to attend.
The police report back on their activities in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Numbers of residents attending continue to rise each meeting. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention.
Car Free Day Street Parties
Residents in Langroyd Road and Fernside Road will be having street parties on Car Free Day on Sunday 22 September. Car Free Day will take us back to the days when families and children could play on the street safe in the knowledge that they were safe from traffic and free from pollution.
Bellevue Summer Fair
The annual jamboree on Bellevue Road is set for Sunday 15 September. It is always a great community event for families, children and dogs – music, food, stalls, falconry display, guided walks, nature quiz and the very popular dog show.
Balham Feast
The Balham Feast returns to Hildreth Street and Bedford Hill Place on Sunday 29 September. The range of food promises to be mouth-watering and delicious. Come along and support all the food businesses in Balham and have your Sunday lunch at the Balham Feast
Graffiti removal
Nightingale Councillors continue to be alert to unsightly graffiti, reporting it quickly for swift removal. We are very successful in having graffiti removed on the streets and commons by the Council contractors but it is very difficult to persuade Network Rail and Southern Rail to tackle graffiti on the railways. However we are pleased that graffiti on the Wandsworth Common station stairway has been cleared
Chestnut Grove and lorries
Nightingale councillors are acutely aware of problems with lorries accessing Chestnut Grove during school drop-off and pick-up times. We are urgently liaising with Council officers to find the best way to ensure lorries do not compromise the safety of school children, other pedestrians and cyclists, while ensuring the deliveries to shops and construction sites can continue during the day.
Western Lane resurfacing
The short part of Western Lane from Linnet Mews to Endlesham Road was resurfaced at the end of August. The herringbone brick section up to Nightingale Lane retains the same surface but any defects will be checked and mended.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale Councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors.
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
Nightingale News July 2019
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative local councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Email: [email protected]
We are here to help with any Council matters. You can contact us via our council emails ([email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]) or the email above.
Jaggard Way
The Jaggard Way planning application has been postponed to the 27 September 2019 committee. The latest information is that the applicants had not provided the right documentation on the daylight and sunlight assessments of the impact on Ravenslea Road residents.
Even so, have you put in your views on the revised application for Jaggard Way? You can do this right up to the evening of the hearing. You can let us know about your concerns here.
You can lodge views and comments direct to Wandsworth Council planning portal.
Local resident and business concerns are still very much to the fore and will be the basis for Cllr McDermott to oppose the application. The main concerns relate to the unsympathetic design and mass next to the conservation area and Wandsworth Common, the viability of any replacement commercial units limited as they would be by space/parking and the proximity of the new blocks to the homes on Ravenslea Road.
Wandsworth council declares a Climate Emergency
Councillors in Wandsworth unanimously agreed to set themselves the target of becoming the greenest borough in inner London. Cllr McDermott spoke in the debate emphasizing the individual responsibility of each and every one of us to lead ‘green’ and sustainable lives.
Community speedwatch
Nightingale councillors still retain the lead in holding Speedwatch sessions with the police to educate and remind drivers of 20 mph safety measures.
The most recent sessions were held in Marius Road, Ramsden Road and Chestnut Grove. No vehicles were recorded speeding outside Chestnut Grove Academy. The next session is Wednesday 31 July 5-7pm in Ravenslea Road. Do come and join us and have a go with the speedgun.
If you feel traffic is regularly exceeding the 20mph limit and causing a danger in your road, do please contact us to see about setting up a Speedwatch event. We have to take our turn with requests from other wards as we all use the same police team – but we will do our best to follow up constituents’ requests.
Chestnut Grove Traffic
Nightingale councillors continue to work with residents, schools and Council officers to make Chestnut Grove as safe as possible for all its users, particularly at busy times at the beginning and end of the school day.
At our request, potholes have been repaired, school barriers repositioned, school signs renewed and gullies cleared. The yellow lines have been repainted and the barrier by the Regent is about to be repaired. However, we remain worried about lorries delivering goods at school start time, often blocking entrances or bike lanes – we are working with officers to see if a loading ban can be enforced at these times.
Also we have asked that the developers of the former Balham Bowling Green (soon to be Chestnut Square) have a robust construction management plan that ensures no lorries are accessing the site at school arrival and departure times.
Safer Neighborhood Team (SNT) meeting
Our most recent Nightingale SNT meeting with the police took place on Tuesday 9 July at 7pm at the White Eagle Club, Balham High Road. We discussed local crime incidents & data and crime prevention. Unfortunately we still had no representation from housing associations from Old Hospital Close but they promise to attend the next meeting. We had 17 local residents at the last meeting. Numbers continue to rise showing a good interest in crime and safety in the ward.
The police report back on their activities in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention. The next SNT meeting is Tuesday 8 October 2019 at 7pm in White Eagle Club (Polish Club), 211 Balham High Road
Brodrick Road petition
Cllr Ian Hart presented a petition on behalf of residents of the short stretch of Brodrick Road in Nightingale ward to the October Council meeting. They asked for the extension of Parking Zone D1 into D2, parking for residents only on one side of the road and the banning of heavy lorries from using the narrow road. The petition was discussed at the Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee on 11 June.
It was decided that the main request (to change the bays on one side of Little Brodrick Road to 'Resident Permit Only') was not in line with the Council's agreed policy of having 'Shared Use' parking bays. The extension of the Parking Zone D1 into D2 was not agreed because there was no support from the residents of the larger section of Brodrick Road (D2) or other streets in D2 likely to be affected by the proposal. In regard to the issue of preventing lorries from using this narrow road, this will be considered as part of a wider investigation of the Bellevue Road, Burntwood Lane, Trinity Road junction.
Nightingale councillors will continue to emphasize to Council officers the problems residents have with parking and rat-running pressures – we will do all we can to help.
Summer street parties and fayres
Cllr Richard Field enjoyed the annual street party in Endlesham Road – particularly the cake judging!
Cllrs McDermott and Field went along to the Fernside Street event to say farewell and thank you to Moira Hodgson for her many years of organising the fabulous annual street party. We wish her well with her move.
Don’t forget the Bellevue Road Summer Fayre on Sunday 15 September!
Chesnut Grove Opening ceremony
We were very pleased to attend the launch of the new buildings at Chestnut Grove Academy. The redevelopment with the classrooms to the edge of the site leaving a large grass expanse in the middle is an excellent design. The school never stands still – plans are ahead to build a new sixth form block backing onto Hornsby House school. We are very proud of this outstanding academy in our midst. You can find out more about the school here.
Western Lane resurfacing
The short part of Western Lane from Linnet Mews to Endlesham Road is due to be resurfaced in the late summer. The cobbled section up to Nightingale Lane will retain the same surface but any defects will be checked and mended.
Tooting Bec clean-up
Nightingale councillors have successfully asked for pressure-hosing of the grimier sections of pavement as well as maintenance and cleaning of the litter bins. Additional bins have been added along the busier stretches of Trinity Road.
Looking after our lovely street trees
With a hot summer upon us, don’t forget to look after any young trees planted on the street outside your house. You can adopt it and give it a bucket of water now and again.Join the Tree Wardens here.
Some trees sadly do need replacing. In Nightingale dying or diseased trees in the following roads will be removed shortly and replaced in due course with a new sapling: Birchlands Avenue, Endlesham, Fernside, Gosberton, Ravenslea Roads and Nightingale Lane. Signs are put up to inform residents in these roads.
London National Park City
Wandsworth has been taking part in the celebrations for the first ever National Park City in London. In Nightingale, Cllr McDermott joined local families in Ravenstone School playground to make planters out of reused materials such as pallets, cardboard tubes and hessian. She donated plant seeds from the Council’s #GiveAPlant scheme to encourage the easy planting of herbs and wild flowers.
She also joined the Friends of Wandsworth Common walk with Daniel Raven-Ellison (National Park City’s founder) followed by an informative talk to celebrate the National Park City.
New vicar at St Magdalene
Although Philippa Boardman has been the priest-in-charge at St Mary Magdalene for some time, on Sunday 23 June she was officially installed as the vicar. Cllrs McDermott and Field attended the service led by the Bishop of Kingston and look forward to the exciting plans Philippa has to reach out to the local community.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
Nightingale News May June 2019
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Nightingale Ward, London Borough of Wandsworth Email: [email protected]
We are here to help with any Council matters. You can contact us via our council emails ([email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]) or the email above.
Bellevue Road loading bays
Nightingale councillors have been getting to the bottom of the loading bay confusion along Bellevue Road. At one point it looked like we were to have three loading bays to the detriment of parking spaces. However, the final tally will be two with no loss of parking spaces overall.
The bus stop is to be moved away from the Bellevue/Trinity Road junction to ease the flow of traffic at the crossroads. The loading bay outside Sainsbury’s will remain in the same place but will be shorter. Delivery men will not need to trundle trolleys over the Wiseton Road junction.
The other loading bay will be outside 23 Bellevue Road. Businesses including the Althorp pub had asked for a loading bay. Previously the Althorp deliveries used the yellow line in Althorp Road for unloading but with the new raised crossing, this is no longer allowed. The parking bay in Althorp Road has been extended so there is no net loss of parking.
Bellevue Road shop frontages
Frontages appropriate to the history and design of Bellevue Road are very important. Currently a couple of refurbished shop fronts are being investigated to ensure they meet the design standards expected in a conservation area. It is good to see that Pizza da Walter has removed the unsympathetic and overbearing extension in favour of a simple awning to protect diners – much more appropriate for architectural integrity in Bellevue Road.
Jaggard Way
Jaggard Way application will NOT now be going to the June meeting of the Planning Application Committee. Planning officers continue to discuss with the applicants the amount of affordable housing to be offered. We are working with officers to find out when it will be heard. We will keep you posted.
Even so, have you put in your views on the revised application for Jaggard Way? You can do this right up to the evening of the hearing. You can let us know about your concerns at
You can lodge views and comments direct to Wandsworth Council planning portal
Local resident and business concerns are still very much to the fore and will be the basis for Cllr McDermott to oppose the application. The main concerns relate to the unsympathetic design and mass next to the conservation area and Wandsworth Common, the viability of any replacement commercial units limited as they would be by space/parking and the proximity of the new blocks to the homes on Ravenslea Road.
Community Speedwatch
Nightingale councillors continue to take the lead in holding Speedwatch sessions with the police to educate and remind drivers of 20 mph safety measures.
With the recent Marius Road session, we have now totalled 40 joint Speedwatch sessions in conjunction with the local police – far more than any other ward. If you feel traffic is regularly exceeding the 20mph limit and causing a danger in your road, do please contact us to see about setting up a Speedwatch event. We have to take our turn with requests from other wards as we all use the same police team – but we will do our best to follow up constituents’ requests.
At our Speedwatch session in Ramsden Road on Friday 5 April, 188 vehicles were monitored with 132 vehicles driving 24mph or below and 56 vehicles driving over 25mph. The highest speed recorded was 31mph. In Marius Road on Friday 24 May, 209 vehicles were recorded of which 182 vehicles were driving 24mph or below and 27 vehicles were driving over 25mph. The highest speed recorded was 34mph.
Our next session is in Chestnut Grove on Tuesday 4 June 2-4pm. Do come and join us and have a go with the speedgun.
Chestnut Grove traffic
Nightingale councillors continue to work with residents, schools and Council officers to make Chestnut Grove as safe as possible for all its users, particularly at busy times at the beginning and end of the school day.
At our request, potholes have been repaired, school barriers repositioned, school signs renewed and gullies cleared. The yellow lines have been repainted and the barrier by the Regent is about to be repaired. However, we remain worried about lorries delivering goods at school start time, often blocking entrances or bike lanes – we are working with officers to see if a loading ban can be enforced at these times.
Following meetings with the Principal of Chestnut Grove Academy and Headteacher of Hornsby House as well as with the School Travel officer, we have a second meeting scheduled with the Assistant Director (Highways) to discuss the feasibility of changes to the roundabout junction at Boundaries Road.
Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) meeting
Our most recent Nightingale SNT meeting with the police took place on Tuesday 16 April at 7pm at the White Eagle Club, Balham High Road. We discussed local crime incidents & data, crime prevention, the promotion of Neighbourhood Watch, better involvement of housing associations in SNT meetings and animal welfare issues.
The police report back on their activities in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention. The next SNT meeting is Tuesday 9 July 2019 at 7pm in White Eagle Club (Polish Club), 211 Balham High Road.
Nightingale Square Temporary Accommodation
Nightingale councillors have been working with housing officers to make sure the accommodation at Nightingale Square is of suitably good quality for homeless families.
All the homes now have modern heating, lighting in public places has improved and a new boundary wall has been installed. Wi-fi is being rolled out over the summer which families can access for work, education and leisure.
A petition will be coming to the Housing Committee on 17 June setting out further requests from residents.
Bikes and cargo bikes
We know more and more of you are taking to the roads on your bikes. Storage is often a problem if you do not have space at home. We are discussing with officers ways to help residents store their bikes, such as bike storage sheds/hangers on the roadside instead of car-parking bays. All residents in a road will be consulted to gauge support before decisions are made.
More cargo bikes (the ones with a box on the front for children, shopping or even dogs) are appearing – again we need to work with residents to find safe and secure ways for these bigger bicycles to be stored.
Friends of Wandsworth Common
We are delighted that the Friends of Wandsworth Common are now one year old which they celebrated with a party at The County Arms.
They have done so much in such a short space of time to look after the Common, increase our love of trees & plants, promote healthy activities (particularly walking and bowls) and look after the wild life (special bags of swan & duck food). We celebrated the Friends’ first birthday with them at the County Arms. Happy Birthday!
Why not become a friend:
Brodrick Road petition
Cllr Ian Hart presented a petition on behalf of residents of the short stretch of Brodrick Road in Nightingale ward to the October Council meeting. They asked for the extension of Parking Zone D1 into D2, parking for residents only on one side of the road and the banning of heavy lorries from using the narrow road.
The petition will be discussed at the Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee on 11 June and a recommendation will go to the next Executive meeting for a decision.
TLC for Tooting Bec
We are aware that Tooting Bec needs a bit more tender loving care, especially on the approach from Trinity Road. We have worked with Council officers to upgrade litter bins – there are now 5 litter bins on this stretch of road. Soiled areas around lighting columns and litter bins are to be jetwashed and detritus trapped in uneven paving on the backlines of the footway is to be removed.
We invited shop owners and small businesses from the Tooting Bec area (along with Nightingale Lane parade businesses too) to meet the Mayor and Council officers on Monday 13 May and discuss ways we can all work together to promote these smaller parades of shops outside town centres. We will also be putting pressure on the Mayor of London who has responsibility for the traffic on Trinity Road.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors.
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with
‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
Nightingale News
April 2019 E-bulletin
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Nightingale Ward, London Borough of Wandsworth
Email: [email protected]
We are here to help with any Council matters. You can contact us via our council emails ([email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]) or the email above.
Bellevue Road ‘grand opening’
We welcomed the Mayor of Wandsworth to officially unveil the upgrading work along Bellevue Road. Pavements have been renewed and the junctions with Althorp and Wiseton Roads are now more pedestrian-friendly. Many businesses have taken up the offer of renewed forecourts. The funding for the upgrade comes from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which developers pay to the Council when they gain permission for construction. We think the highways team has done an extremely professional job at the same time as keeping the traffic flowing, pedestrians walking and shoppers shopping.
Following our lobbying and the petition from residents, Bellevue Road is to be included in the Council’s feasibility study to bring it into line with all over 20mph roads in the borough. Read more here
Jaggard Way
Have you put in your views on the revised application for Jaggard Way?
There is still time because the hearing of the application has now been postponed to Wednesday 26 June as planning officers continue to discuss with the applicants the amount of affordable housing to be offered.
Local residents’ concerns are still very much to the fore and will be the basis for Cllr McDermott to oppose the application. The main concerns relate to the unsympathetic design and mass next to the conservation area and Wandsworth Common, the viability of any replacement commercial units limited as they would be by space/parking and the proximity of the new blocks to the homes on Ravenslea Road.
You can let us know about your concerns at
You can lodge views and comments direct to Wandsworth Council planning portal at
Community Speed Watch
Nightingale councillors continue to take the lead in holding Speedwatch sessions with the police to educate and remind drivers of 20 mph safety measures.
So far we have arranged almost 40 joint Speedwatch sessions in conjunction with the local police – far more than any other ward. If you feel traffic is regularly exceeding the 20mph limit and causing a danger in your road, do please contact us to see about setting up a Speedwatch event. We have to take our turn with requests from other wards as we all use the same police team – but we will do our best to follow up constituents’ requests.
Our most recent Speedwatch sessions have been in Endlesham Road (Monday 25 February) and Ramsden Road (Friday 5 April)
Our next session is in Marius Road on Thursday 2 May (9-11am). Do come and join us and have a go with the speedgun.
Electric charging points in lamp posts
Wandsworth Council is trail-blazing in its tackling of pollution and promotion of electric vehicles. Most innovative are the charging points incorporated in lamp posts so you can pull up, park and plug in your car in your own road. At night you can see the little blue lights glowing to identify which lamp posts have been converted. If you would like similar points in your road, please contact us. Bit by bit they are being rolled out across the borough.
Chestnut Grove traffic
Nightingale councillors continue to work with residents, schools and Council officers to make Chestnut Grove as safe as possible for all its users, particularly at busy times at the beginning and end of the school day.
At our request, potholes have been repaired, pavement barriers repositioned and gullies cleared. The yellow lines are due to be repainted soon. Businesses remove A boards from the pavement at busy times so children do not need to step into the road. However, we remain worried about lorries delivering goods at school start time, often blocking entrances or bike lanes – we will keep the pressure up to improve safety.
We met the School Travel officer, have already had useful discussions with the Principal of Chestnut Grove Academy and had a very useful meeting with the Headmaster at Hornsby House. In the longer term, we will be working with highways officers to improve safety at the junction of Chestnut Grove with Boundaries Road.
St Mary’s Church ‘Place of Welcome’
We have a new place in Balham to have a coffee, chat and make new friends. Call into St Mary’s Church, Balham High Road any Wednesday morning between 10am and 12 noon for a cuppa.
The Neighbourhood Network SW17 & SW12 also run regular coffee mornings do The Wiser Collective
Plenty of places in Balham to meet and join the community!
Ravenstone Street and Oakmead Road – traffic issues
Cllr Field handed in a petition to the Council on behalf of residents in Oakmead Road and Ravenstone Street to complain about the traffic using their streets to avoid the traffic lights in Balham. Transport officers are now considering the best course of action including removing parking spaces to create passing points or making the roads one way. Residents will be asked their views before any final decision is taken. Do let us know what you think by contacting us via the email at the top of this E Bulletin.
The Tramyard development to display a public work of art
The new development at the junction of Balham High Road and Upper Tooting Park is known as the Tramyard. The developers have commissioned a sculpture to be placed on the corner of the building and asked design students from South Thames College to come up with ideas. As the new flats are on the site of the original terminus for trams travelling into London, the students have incorporated industrial heritage into their design – such as tram wheels and tracks. We look forward to the unveiling – probably not for several months.
Councillor meets Minister for Children
Cllr McDermott, as lead member for Children’s Services in Wandsworth, had a meeting with Nadhim Zahawi to discuss support for vulnerable teenagers, funding for children with special education needs and raising the profile and increasing the number of permanent social workers. Vulnerable children in Nightingale and wider Wandsworth need our special attention.
Beware - Sash windows and high hedges
Police have warned residents to prevent burglaries by making sure high hedges at the front of the house are clipped back and sash windows are properly secured. To find out more, come to the next Nightingale SNT meeting.
Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) meeting
Our next Nightingale SNT meeting with the police will be on Tuesday 16 Aprilat 7pm at the White Eagle Club, Balham High Road. The police report back on their activities in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention.
Friends of Wandsworth Common
We were delighted to recommend Julia Bott and Richard Fox, the founders of the Friends of Wandsworth Common, for an award from the Balham and Tooting Community Association (BATCA). They deservedly were commended for their brilliant work in setting up the Friends and continuing to organise a wide range of activities to support the Common.
Their website and newsletters are mines of information and well worth a read:
Annual School Achievement Awards
Cllr McDermott as Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services was delighted to present awards to high achieving schools in Wandsworth at a ceremony in the Council chamber. As Nightingale councillors, special mention must be made of schools in our ward collecting prizes – Trinity St Mary’s (TSM), Holy Ghost, Chestnut Grove Academy and Oak Lodge School for the Deaf.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors.
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
February 2019 E-bulletin
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Nightingale Ward, London Borough of Wandsworth
Email: [email protected]
We are here to help with any Council matters. You can contact us via our council emails ([email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]) or the email above.
Jaggard Way
Have you put in your views on the revised application for Jaggard Way?
The application has reduced the height of one block but still proposes 4 blocks of 4 storey's each. Do you feel this will have a negative impact on the Wandsworth Common conservation area and the open spaces? Another issue you might wish to consider is the proximity of the buildings to the rear of the Ravenslea Road homes. Also concerns have been raised about the paucity of parking slots allocated for viable and successful businesses. In addition, is it is safe for children and elderly residents to be accessing their flats in the same space as delivery vans and trucks.
Cllr Sarah McDermott will represent objectors at the planning applications committee which is scheduled for Thursday 25th April.
You can let us know about your concerns at here
You can lodge views and comments direct to Wandsworth Council planning portal here
Community Speed Watch
Nightingale councillors continue to take the lead in holding Speedwatch sessions with the police to educate and remind drivers of 20 mph safety measures.
Our last session was in Balham Park Road (11 February) and the next one is Endlesham Roadon Monday 25 February 8am till 10am. The next Ramsden Road session is on a date to be announced.
So far we have arranged almost 40 joint Speedwatch sessions in conjunction with the local police – far more than any other ward. If you feel traffic is regularly exceeding the 20mph limit and causing a danger in your road, do please contact us to see about setting up a Speedwatch event. We have to take our turn with requests from other wards as we all use the same police team – but we will do our best to follow up constituents’ requests.
Bellevue Road – 20mph
Following our submission of a petition on behalf of residents to investigate the inclusion of Bellevue Road in the borough 20mph zone, we are pleased that the Council has agreed to our request subject to certain criteria. You can read more here.
Bellevue Road upgrade
Work is almost complete on the upgrading of the Bellevue Road pavements and the junctions with Althorp and Wiseton Roads. Many businesses have taken up the offer of renewed forecourts. The funding for the upgrade comes from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which developers pay to the Council when they gain permission for construction. Work is planned to be complete by March 2019. We think the works team has done an extremely professional job at the same time as keeping the traffic flowing, pedestrians walking and shoppers shopping.
Successful telephone mast objection
At the request of concerned residents, Nightingale councillors alerted neighbours to the proposal to increase the height of the mobile phone mast at the junction of Nightingale Lane and Ravenslea Road. It seemed to us that the proposal was exactly the same as previous proposals that had been refused or withdrawn.
We are pleased to report that the application was refused, the main reasons being that the mast ‘would be an excessively prominent, unsightly, obtrusive and out of keeping form of development that would adversely impact the character of the Wandsworth Common Conservation Area in an unacceptable manner’
We know that mobile reception is not good enough in the locality and will push for the telephone company to investigate better sites nearer to the railway line.
Chestnut Grove traffic
Nightingale councillors continue to work with residents, schools and Council officers to make Chestnut Grove as safe as possible for all its users, particularly at busy times at the beginning and end of the school day. At our request, potholes have been repaired, lines repainted, pavement barriers repositioned and gullies cleared. Businesses remove A boards from the pavement at busy times so children do not need to step into the road. However, we remain worried about lorries delivering goods at school start time, often blocking entrances or bike lanes – we will keep the pressure up to improve safety.
We met the School Travel officer, have already had useful discussions with the Principal of Chestnut Grove Academy and are setting up a meeting with Hornsby House. In the longer term, we will be working with highways officers to improve safety at the junction of Chestnut Grove with Boundaries Road.
Ravenstone Rat-Running
Residents in Oakmead Road and Ravenstone Street collected a petition to complain about the traffic using their streets to avoid the traffic lights in Balham. They asked that Council officers investigate ways to prevent rat-running and improve the safety in their roads. Cllr Field presented the petition to the Council meeting on 6 February. We will keep you informed of progress.
Successful Objection to ‘No Right Turn into Elmbourne Road’
As soon as your Nightingale councillors heard that the Bedford councillors were proposing to ask for the reintroduction of the ill-thought through idea of not allowing traffic to turn right into Elmbourne Road from Tooting Bec Road, we reacted swiftly. We know the knock-on effect on Trinity Crescent, Eatonville Road and Upper Tooting Park would be more traffic. Our successful lobbying stamped on the idea.
We also pressed for Council officers to request that the Mayor of London allows a right turn north at Tooting Bec into Balham High Road to ease congestion on our residential roads.
Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting
Our next Nightingale SNT meeting with the police will be on Tuesday 16 Aprilat 7pm at the White Eagle Club, Balham High Road. The police report back on their activities in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention.
Friends of Wandsworth Common newsletter
I hope that many of you have now become a Friend of Wandsworth Common. Their website and newsletters are mines of information and well worth a readhere.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
December 2018
Your Nightingale Councillors would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative local councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Nightingale Ward, London Borough of Wandsworth
Email: [email protected]
We are delighted to be re-elected as your Nightingale councillor team. We met a great many local residents during the local election campaign in May and look forward to continuing to work with you all over the next four years. You can contact us via our council emails ([email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]) or the email above.
Community Speed Watch
Nightingale councillors continue to take the lead in holding Speedwatch sessions with the police to educate and remind drivers of 20 mph safety measures.
Our last Speedwatch meetings were at Ravenslea Road on 11 December for school going-home time and at Boundaries Road on 17 December for the morning rush hour.
So far we have arranged almost 40 joint Speedwatch sessions in conjunction with the local police – far more than any other ward. If you feel traffic is regularly exceeding the 20mph limit and causing a danger in your road, do please contact us to see about setting up a Speedwatch event. We have to take our turn with requests from other wards as we all use the same police team – but we will do our best to follow up constituents’ requests.
You will also be interested to learn that speed guns have been purchased by Council to provide more equipment for joint operations with the police:
Bellevue Road upgrade.
Work is progressing well with the Bellevue Road improvements. The Hope pub corner and crossing to Wandsworth Common is completed, as are the junctions at Wiseton and Althorp Roads. Many businesses have taken up the offer of renewed forecourts.
All the work will be completed without closing Bellevue Road. It should take four months, weather permitting. No work will go on between 14 December and 7 January so businesses and shoppers can concentrate on Christmas shopping.
The funding for the upgrade comes from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which developers pay to the Council when they gain permission for construction.…
Jaggard Way
A new application has been submitted for the light industrial area next to Wandsworth Common station. The developers held a pre-application consultation with neighbouring residents in September. They have reduced the height of the six storey block to mirror the four storey blocks and maintained the existing level of commercial and office floorspace.
However we know there is still significant concern about the impact of the proposals on the amenities of the local residents. You can lodge your objections on the Wandsworth Council planning portal:
Even though consultations publish a deadline, objections can be lodged right up to the date of the planning meeting which will be February 28 at the earliest.
When planning committee members study the application, the main consideration will be whether the applicants have addressed the reasons for refusal last time (height and retention of small business units). You can read the full document and abbreviated decision notice here:
Other issues to raise are the impact on residential parking, the closeness to Ravenslea Road homes, the need for viable commercial units to have easy access for deliveries and the proximity of the modern buildings to the conservation area and open spaces of Wandsworth Common.
One of us will represent objectors at the planning applications committee – most likely to be February but it could slip to a later date.
Major Gas Works
Although just outside the ward, be aware of major gasworks in the Fishponds Road area starting on Wednesday 2 January for 18 weeks. The work will be in four phases starting from the junction of Gateside Road with Beechcroft Road and moving south to Hebdon Road.
Further information and updates can be found on the dedicated project page at:
Dalebury Road
Cllr Sarah McDermott submitted a petition to the Council on behalf of Dalebury Road residents in the summer. They were fed up with not being able to park in their road and asked for a change in the hours of their parking controls. Following a feasibility study the Council has agreed to extend the controls from an hour to all day from Monday 10 December.
If you have problems with parking issues in your roads, do contact us. We cannot promise changes will follow, but if we do not ask, we will not know!
Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting
Our next Nightingale SNT meeting with the police will be on Tuesday 15 January at 7pm at the White Eagle Club, Balham High Road. The police report back on their activities in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention.
Friends of Wandsworth Common newsletter
I hope that many of you have now become a Friend of Wandsworth Common. Their website and newsletters are mines of information and well worth a read:
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors.
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative local councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_ )
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Nightingale Ward, London Borough of Wandsworth
Email: [email protected]
We are delighted to be re-elected as your Nightingale councillor team. We met a great many local residents during the local election campaign in May and look forward to continuing to work with you all over the next four years. You can contact us via our council emails ([email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]) or the email above.
Richard is deputy chairman of the Audit Committee and also the Planning Applications Committee and is chairman of the Wandsworth (Conservation Area) Advisory Committee. He sits on the Community and Open Spaces OSC. He is also appointed to the following outside bodies: Heritage Wandsworth, London Councils Transport and Environment Committee, Passenger Transport Liaison Group, the Tooting Town Centre Partnership Board and the Woodfield Project.
Sarah is Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services and is a member of the Executive. She sits on the Health and Well-Being Board, the Richmond and Wandsworth Joint Appointments Sub-Committee and attends the Schools’ Forum. She has been appointed to the Academies and Free Schools Commission, the Balham Town Centre Partnership Board, the Safeguarding Board and is chairman of the Early Years Partnership. She also is a governor at St George’s University Hospital’s NHS Foundation Trust, a trustee of the Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust and chairman of the Pupil Referral Unit Management Committee.
Ian sits on the Housing and Regeneration OSC, the Joint Pensions Committee and the Strategic Planning and Transportation OSC. He is also appointed to the Southern Area Housing Panel.
Community Speed Watch
Nightingale councillors held three more Speedwatch sessions with the police in the last month: Chestnut Grove/Nightingale Square, St James’s Drive/Balham Park Road and Marius Road.
In Chestnut Grove (2.45-4.45pm 25 Sept), 85 vehicles were recorded, 69 were driving below 25mph, 16 over 24mph and the highest speed was 38mph.
In Balham Park Road (8-10am 15 Oct), 149 vehicles were recorded, 106 were driving below 25mph, 43 vehicles over 24mph and the highest speed was 39mph
In Marius Road (8-10am 16 Oct), 114 vehicles were recorded, 81 were driving below 25mph, 33 over 24mph and the highest speed was 34 mph.
So far we have arranged almost 40 joint Speedwatch sessions in conjunction with the local police – far more than any other ward. If you feel traffic is regularly exceeding the 20mph limit and causing a danger in your road, do please contact us to see about setting up a Speedwatch event. We have to take our turn with requests from other wards as we all use the same police team – but we will do our best to follow up constituents’ requests.
You will also be interested to learn that speed guns have been purchased by the Council to provide more equipment for joint operations with the police:
Chesnut Grove Petition...
Cllr Sarah McDermott handed in the petition organised by parents of students at Chestnut Grove Academy to the Council Meeting on 17 October. Parents and residents are asking for signage to warn drivers of the likelihood of pupils in the road, the de-cluttering of the pavement outside the Chestnut Grove parade of shops, the temporary provision of a designated person to supervise pupils across the Boundaries Road junction and ultimately more traffic calming measures in Chestnut Grove and Boundaries Road. Council officers will now analyse the request and identify what is feasible. We will keep you posted.
…..and Brodrick Road petition
At the same Council Meeting Cllr Ian Hart presented a petition collected by nearly all the residents of the short end of Brodrick Road, otherwise known as ‘Little Brodrick’. Residents are concerned about heavy lorries using their narrow street, rat-running vehicles and the difficulty in parking in their road, positioned as they are at the outer edges of Zone D1. Council officers will investigate and let us know how they intend to address these issues.
Bellevue Road upgrade
Work has started promptly on the upgrade of Bellevue Road which will see improved paving, removal of unnecessary street clutter, smarter forecourts and cycle parking. Already the construction of the ‘Copenhagen crossings’ (paving across the junctions to give greater importance to pedestrians) is underway at Wiseton and Althorp Roads. Also the pavement outside The Hope on the important crossing from the station to the common should be completed very soon and the traffic controls removed.
All the work will be completed without closing Bellevue Road. It should take four months, weather permitting. No work will go on between 14 December and 7 January so businesses and shoppers can concentrate on Christmas shopping.
The funding for the upgrade comes from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which developers pay to the Council when they gain permission for construction.
Ravenstone Street drains
Your Nightingale councillors were quick off the mark, when residents in Ravenstone Street complained that their storm drains were overflowing. We arranged for the drain clearance team to visit and after one false start when drivers thoughtlessly parked in parking bays suspended for clear access to the gullies, the drains were eventually given a very good scrape and clean. All being well, Ravenstone residents should not have to contend with flooded pavements any more. We have also arranged for drains to be cleared in Sarsfeld Road.
If you have blocked drains in your road, do contact us and we will ask for the Council team to check them.
Ravenstone Street planning – more success
After the refusal of 8 x 3 storey 3 bedroom houses on the site of the old garages at 189 Balham High Road in November last year (represented by Cllr McDermott), the developer appealed to the Planning Inspectorate. Residents were delighted to learn that the inspector dismissed the appeal against the refusal by Wandsworth Council planning applications committee. He agreed that the proposed houses would be too close to the Ravenstone homes and would have an adverse impact on the residents’ living conditions. We await to hear if the developer is going to continue with new but not significantly different proposals for the site.
Former Balham Bowling Green now known as Chestnut Square
Despite the best efforts of the Nightingale councillors in opposing the proposal to demolish the existing building on the former Balham Bowling Green and build 18 individual houses and a block of 10 units for affordable housing the application was passed by the Planning Applications Committee. Cllr Field spoke against the proposal because of the loss of an open space in Balham as well as the impact on traffic on Chestnut Grove.
Jaggard Way
The developers held a pre-application consultation with local residents in September. They have reduced the height of the six storey block to mirror the four storey blocks and maintained the existing level of commercial and office floorspace. However, we are aware that residents still have significant concerns, including the impact on parking, the proximity to Ravenslea Road and the need for viable commercial units to have easy access for deliveries. The application has not yet been submitted. Once it is, we will all have a chance to submit comments and objections to the Council’s planning portal.
Ali Babar Kebabs – Licence revoked
We are very pleased that the Council’s Licensing Committee revoked the licence for Ali Babar Kebabs in Trinity Road. Nightingale councillors made it clear to the committee that the physical assault of a Council employee by the licensee is extremely serious and should not be tolerated.
Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting
Our next Nightingale SNT meeting with the police will be on Tuesday 15 January at 7pm at the White Eagle Club, Balham High Road. The police report back on their activities in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention.
Bellevue Summer Fair
The Bellevue Summer Fair was a great success in September on a lovely sunny day. Cllrs Ian Hart and Richard Field thoroughly enjoyed judging the dog show. Congratulations to all the prizewinners - but really every dog who took part was a winner!
Let’s Talk session – Monday 19 November
Please put Monday 19 November in your diaries. We are holding our Nightingale councillors’ Let’s Talk session at Nightingale House on Nightingale Lane at 7pm. It’s the chance for any resident of Nightingale ward to come and hear what we have been doing and to ask questions of us or council officers
Dates for your diary
Good Twitter accounts to follow for local events are @BalhamDailyPRSS and @TootingPRSS Enjoy the summer!
If you would like us to include any dates of events in or near Nightingale ward do contact us with the details.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative local councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Nightingale Ward, London Borough of Wandsworth
Email: [email protected]
We are delighted to be re-elected as your Nightingale councillor team. We met a great many local residents during the local election campaign in May and look forward to continuing to work with you all over the next four years. You can contact us via our council emails ( [email protected] ; [email protected] ;[email protected] ) or the email above.
Richard is deputy chairman of the Audit Committee and also the Planning Applications Committee and is chairman of the Wandsworth (Conservation Area) Advisory Committee. He sits on the Community and Open Spaces OSC. He is also appointed to the following outside bodies: Heritage Wandsworth, London Councils Transport and Environment Committee, Passenger Transport Liaison Group, the Tooting Town Centre Partnership Board and the Woodfield Project.
Ian sits on the Housing and Regeneration OSC, the Joint Pensions Committee and the Strategic Planning and Transportation OSC. He is also appointed to the Southern Area Housing Panel.
Sarah is Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services and is a member of the Executive. She sits on the Health and Well-Being Board, the Richmond and Wandsworth Joint Appointments Sub-Committee and attends the Schools’ Forum. She has been appointed to the Academies and Free Schools Commission, the Balham Town Centre Partnership Board, the Safeguarding Board and is chairman of the Early Years Partnership. She also is a governor at St George’s University Hospital’s NHS Foundation Trust, a trustee of the Wandle Valley Regional Park Trust and chairman of the Pupil Referral Unit Management Committee.
Community Speed Watch
Nightingale councillors continue to lead the way in educating drivers about speed limits on our residential roads. So far we have held 37 joint Speedwatch sessions in conjunction with the local police – far more than any other ward.
We have arranged three more Speedwatch sessions with the police:
- Chestnut Grove/Nightingale Square Tuesday 25 September – 2.45pm-4.45pm
- St James’s Drive/Balham Park Road Friday 5 October - 8am-10am
- Marius Road – Tuesday 16 October – 8am-10am
We welcome local residents to come and join us and see how Speedwatch sessions work.
To update you on recent Speedwatch sessions:
- Ramsden Road (26 June 8-10am) 136 drivers monitored, 40 drivers over the speedlimit, maximum speed 37mph
- Endlesham Road (11 July 4-6pm) 102 drivers monitored, 25 drivers over speedlimit, maximum speed 36 mph
- Endlesham Road (17 July 9.30-10.30am) 61 drivers monitored, 19 over the speedlimit, maximum speed 42mph
Improved safety outside Chestnut Grove Academy
Nightingale councillors had a meeting with the Principal of Chestnut Grove and the Assistant Director for Traffic and Engineering in the early summer to discuss safety outside the school.
- Already a new guardrail has been installed outside the temporary entrance and will be moved to the new entrance in due course.
- The mini-roundabout with Boundaries Road will be investigated to see if a raised table would improve safety
- Road markings have been renewed
- Drain gullies have been cleared and will be monitored carefully so large puddles do not mean pedestrians have to step out into the road
- Shops and restaurants along the stretch to the tube have been asked to remove their advertising ‘A’ boards at the busy beginning and end of the school day so street clutter is kept to a minimum.
In the meantime, we have received a petition from parents and residents asking for signage to warn drivers of the likelihood of pupils in the road, the de-cluttering of the pavement outside the Chestnut Grove parade of shops, the temporary provision of a designated person to supervise pupils across the Boundaries Road junction and ultimately more traffic calming measures in Chestnut Grove and Boundaries Road. We will present this petition at the next Council meeting.
Bellevue Road update
The consultation on the plans for the upgrading of Bellevue Road closed earlier this summer. Additional ideas and suggestions from residents are being considered by the officers. The work is scheduled to start in October.
Bedford Hill improvements
The upgrading of Bedford Hill in Balham will commence in the autumn. It will include improving the condition and appearance of the footway, reducing street furniture or putting it in a better place, increasing cycle parking and making the road an attractive place offering a variety of high quality goods and services to residents and visitors.
Love Parks Wandsworth
We have glorious parks and open spaces in Wandsworth. In Nightingale we are lucky to have a chunk of Wandsworth Common. Many residents entered the photograph competition – you can see the winner on the front of the new Brightside!
Springfield Park
Springfield Park planning had been given the go-ahead. The Park Strategy was approved in 2015 and was informed by over 80 hours of direct engagement and 1,900 responses from stakeholders, local community groups, service users and residents. The plans will deliver the first new public park in London since the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in 2012.
Other planning updates:
We have a number of significant developments planned in the Nightingale ward:
Chestnut Square 2018/1741)
The proposal is to demolish the existing building on the former Balham Bowling Green and build 18 individual houses and a block of 10 units for affordable housing. There has been a great deal of local concern about the loss of an open space in Balham as well as the impact on traffic on Chestnut Grove. We are waiting to hear when the application is to be heard at the planning committee. You can still lodge objections right up the date of hearing.
Ravenstone Street
After the refusal of 8 x 3 storey 3 bedroom houses on the site of the old garages at 189 Balham High Road at the planning committee in November last year (represented by Cllr McDermott), the developer not only has appealed but also is aiming to submit revised plans. The developer met local residents to explain the amendments. We wait to hear when the application is listed.
Jaggard Way
Following your local Conservative councillors’ successful lobbying to have the application to build 86 homes on the Jaggard Way industrial unit site refused at the January planning committee, we are keeping in close touch with planning officers so we are alerted to any further developments.
We have just heard that developers are holding an exhibition of revised plans at the Train Station Gym (adj Wandsworth Common station) on 13 September 3.30-7.30pm. We too will be meeting the developers in advance of this date.
The Friends of Wandsworth Common
The new ‘Friends of Wandsworth Common’ organisation started earlier this summer and is already proving to be a great success. If you are interested in your lovely local green space, do consider joining the Friends:
The Friends are planning a Late Summer Celebration on Sunday 9 September 10am-4pm outside the Skylark Café.
Wandsworth Common Management and Maintenance Plan
The results of the consultation on the first formal plan for Wandsworth Common in 40 years are now being analysed. We are awaiting news on this very important framework for the management of our common and will let you know the outcomes and the next stage.
Dalebury and Crockerton Roads
Following a local campaign by residents of Dalebury Road and a petition handed in to the Council meeting by Cllr Sarah McDermott, we are delighted that the Council has agreed to extend parking restrictions from just one hour a day to all day (9.30am-4.30pm Monday to Friday) so that the road mirrors the same controls as Crockerton Road. Both Crockerton and Dalebury Roads have now also been resurfaced after councillors’ lobbying.
There’s no such thing as the Dog Poo Fairy
After several residents raised the issue of dog walkers leaving black bags of dog poo in the Marius, Nevis and Tunley Roads area, we liaised with the Animal Welfare officers. The clever idea of a poster on a particular tree has been very effective. If you have similar problems in your area, do contact us.
Endlesham Road Street Party
Cllr Richard Field represented the Nightingale councillors at the ever-popular Endlesham Street Party. It is a fabulous community event and brings together people from the Kalos Centre and surrounding roads for a summer celebration. Richard excelled at judging the cake competition!
Review of Licence for Ali Babar Kebabs, 12 Trinity Road
Nightingale councillors have all given our support to the review of the licence for Ali Babar Kebabs by the Council’s Licensing Committee on 5 September . The physical assault of a Council employee by the licensee is extremely serious and we and the police are of the view that the licence should be revoked.
OFO Bikes
Wandsworth Council is pilotting dockless bikes – similar to the Santander bikes but located by a special app and without set places to dock them. However, there is a concern that these bikes may clutter up the pavements. So one company (Ofo) have been allocated local hubs where these bikes can be left. One such hub is the wide part of the pavement opposite the Hope pub on the edge of Wandsworth Common near the station.
Safer Neighbourhood Team meeting
Our next Nightingale SNT meeting with the police will be on Tuesday 9 October at 7pm. The police report back on their activities in the ward and we have opportunities to raise concerns with them. Do come along if you have any questions to do with crime and prevention.
Bellevue Road Summer Fair
Don’t forget the Summer Fair in Bellevue Road on Sunday 16 September
Tooting Foodival
A local free food festival focusing on growing, cooking and eating and featuring stalls, music, art and competitions, the Tooting Foodival is now in its 11th year. Saturday 15 September 11am-5pm at Mushkil Aasaan, 222 Upper Tooting Rd, SW17 7EW
Balham Food Festival
Put Sunday 23 to Sunday 30 September in your diary for the wonderful celebration of food and restaurants in Balham
Springfield Hospital Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Springfield Hospital is on Thursday 13 September 5-8pm
BATCA Community Fun Day
The Fun Day on Saturday 22 September 12noon-5pm always has fantastic attractions, a great showing from community groups and generous sponsorship from local business and others. BATCA are looking for volunteers to help –
Dates for your diary
Good Twitter accounts to follow for local events are @BalhamDailyPRSS and @TootingPRSS Enjoy the summer!
If you would like us to include any dates of events in or near Nightingale ward do contact us with the details.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are@NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below
June 2018
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative local councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Email: [email protected]
We are delighted to be re-elected as your Nightingale councillor team. We met a great many local residents during the campaign and look forward to continuing to work with you all over the next four years. You can contact us via our council emails ([email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]) or the email above.
Planning Updates
Chestnut Square 2018/1741)
The proposal is to demolish the existing building on the former Balham Bowling Green and build 18 individual houses and a block of 10 units for affordable housing. There has been a great deal of local concern about the loss of an open space in Balham as well as the impact on traffic on Chestnut Grove. We are waiting to hear when the application is to be heard at the planning committee. You can still lodge objections right up the date of hearing.
Ravenstone Street
After the refusal of 8 x 3 storey 3 bedroom houses on the site of the old garages at 189 Balham High Road at the planning committee in November last year (represented by Cllr McDermott), the developer not only has appealed but also is aiming to submit revised plans. The developer met local residents to explain the amendments. We wait to hear when the application is listed.
Jaggard Way
Following your local Conservative councillors’ successful lobbying to have the application to build 86 homes on the Jaggard Way industrial unit site refused at the January planning committee, we are keeping in close touch with planning officers so we are alerted to any further developments. We have heard nothing to date.
Community Speedwatch sessions in Nightingale
Nightingale councillors continue to lead the way in educating drivers about speed limits on our residential roads. We have arranged two more Speedwatch sessions with the police:
Ramsden Road – 26 June at 8am
Endlesham Road – 11 July at 5pm
We welcome local residents to come and join us and see how Speedwatch sessions work.
Bellevue Road 20 mph petition
Cllr Richard Field presented the petition at the Council meeting on 7 February. It comprised 200 signatures from local residents, shoppers and businesses who would like Bellevue Road included in the borough wide 20 mph zone. Council officers will now investigate the request and let us know what options might be feasible to ensure Bellevue Road is a safe place for families – and dogs.
Outreach support for children and families
We were delighted to join Balham Nursery Children’s Centre when they held an Open Day for their outreach service at the Nightingale Square hostel for homeless families. The newly refurbished well-being and play space looked splendid. Cllr Sarah McDermott comments, ‘We met a fabulous group of parents, helpers and staff who all had the same aim to help and support families and children’
Improved saftey at Chestnut Grove Academy
Nightingale councillors had a meeting with the Principal of Chestnut Grove and the Assistant Director for Traffic and Engineering to discuss safety outside the school.
·Already a new guardrail has been installed outside the temporary entrance and will be moved to the new entrance in due course.
·The mini-roundabout with Boundaries Road will be investigated to see if a raised table would improve safety
·Road markings have been renewed
·Drain gullies have been cleared and will be monitored carefully so large puddles do not mean pedestrians have to step out into the road
·Shops and restaurants along the stretch to the tube have been asked to remove their advertising A boards at the busy beginning and end of the school day so street clutter is kept to a minimum.
Bellevue Road update
The initial consultation back in September 2017 on proposals to upgrade the public realm along Bellevue Road showed significant support. The more detailed consultation has just come to an end:
All being well, work should start in October.
Bedford Hill Improvements
Input from residents, shoppers, businesses and us as ward councillors suggested that key areas for improvement are the condition and appearance of the footway, having less street furniture, or putting it in a better place, increased cycle parking and making the road an attractive place offering a variety of high quality goods and services to residents and visitors. The more detailed consultation has just finished:
Once officers have analysed the responses, we should see work begin in the autumn this year.
We continue to have our vendetta against graffiti in Nightingale. We are pleased that once reported the graffiti team at the Council is quick to remove graffiti. Cllr Ian Hart says, ‘You can help too by using the quick and easy Report It app which you can download from the Council website’
Wimbledon Foundation Get Set, Get Active Fund
If you know of a local group or sports club that would like extra funding to help people of all abilities to be more active and to meet social needs, the Wimbledon Tennis Foundation is open for applications. Grants are available from £500 - £2,500 towards the provision of physical and sports
Friends of Wandsworth Common and MAC meeting
The inaugural meeting of the new Friends of Wandsworth Common was a great success and very well attended. If you are interested in your lovely local green space do consider joining the Friends: And don’t forget the annual meeting of the Wandsworth Common Management Advisory Committee on Monday 18 June at the Nature Study Centre at 7pm.
Lots of summer events!
We have loved attending lots of local events such as the Holy Trinity Open Day , the Ritherdon Road Street Fair and the Love Balham weekend. Still to come are the Trinity St Mary’s school fete on Saturday 30 June and the Endlesham Road street party on Sunday 8 July. Good Twitter accounts to follow for local events are @BalhamDailyPRSS and @TootingPRSS Enjoy the summer!
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and@_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors
Dates for your diary
If you would like us to include any dates of events in or near Nightingale ward do contact us with the details.
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email[email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
April 2018
Your Conservative councillors are extremely active, attentive and get things done in Nightingale! We have been very busy and effective in standing up for our residents over the last four years. Here are the headlines:
- Successfully opposed inappropriate plans for Jaggard Way.
- Fought for and won to keep the Wandsworth Common station footbridge open for public access.
- Continued to push for the Crossrail 2 interchange at Tooting Broadway and not Balham.
- Lobbied and gained new paving for Boundaries, Ouseley, Althorp, Wiseton, Nottingham and now Sarsfeld Roads.
- Lobbied and gained new road surfaces in Sarsfeld, Hendham, Calbourne, Gosberton, Tantallon and Nottingham Roads.
- In the forefront of establishing 20 mph zones and ensuring drivers are reminded and educated. Your Conservative Nightingale councillors had organised 27 Speedwatch sessions with the police – more than twice all the Labour wards put together.
- Won funding for improving Balham railway bridge with attractive green tiles.
- Made sure drainage, road markings and surfaces are repaired along Chestnut Grove and continuing to work with the Principal of Chestnut Grove Academy to make the road safe for students and residents.
- Worked with residents of Nightingale Square to address noise nuisance and anti-social littering.
- Successfully reminded Network Rail to mend the netting under Balham railway bridge to prevent pigeon mess on the pavement.
- Stood up successfully for Ravenstone Street residents against overbearing development at the rear of their houses.
- Kept an eye on developments at Balham Bowls Club to ensure they fit in with local surroundings.
- Worked with businesses and residents to direct money collected from developers to improve the public realm along Bellevue Road(to come this autumn).
- Listened to businesses along Bellevue Road and successfully gained a relaxation of parking controls in the afternoons.
- Liaised with residents of Flowersmead to ensure refurbishment up to scratch and clarify parking controls.
- To ensure safety, arranged for the official adoption of OakmeadRoad as a one-way street.
- Swiftly reported graffiti and ensured its removal so our neighbourhood is a pleasant place to live.
- Ensured that fly-tipping hotspots in Ravenslea, Oakmead, and Ramsden Roads as well as the roads at Tooting Bec and the alley to Jaggard Way are given extra attention by the Council’s waste officers.
- Worked with Balham Park Surgery to help them tackle anti-social fly-tipping near their entrance and install CCTV in Marius Road.
- Acted with the police to prevent anti-social behaviour , including littering and urinating, at the junction of Oakmead Road and Balham High Road.
- Welcomed the installation of new more directional and economical, energy efficient street lighting to our streets.
- Successfully pushed for more trees on our streets to more than compensate for the removal of diseased, dangerous or dead ones.
- Jointly campaigned with Dan Watkins on the ‘Love Your Local’project to support small businesses.
- Attended every single Safer Neighbourhood Team police meeting to make sure councillors and police work well together for crime prevention.
- Held regular meetings with all the housing associations at Old Hospital Close to ensure the Close is well looked after.
- Successfully opposed the closure of Dr Johnson Avenue to cars which would have had a negative impact on Nightingale residential roads.
- Supported Cycle Quietways to provide a network of quieter cycle routes.
- Took the lead in the policy to protect pubs with additional planning powers – so important in Nightingale with its great range of pubs and bars.
- Supported Dan Watkins in his successful bid to save The Wheatsheaf.
- Lobbied successfully for the playground at Upper Tooting Parkto be upgraded.
- Fully supported the opening of Balham Nursery Children’s Centre outreach service at the Nightingale Square hostel.
- Worked with the police and community safety to introduce a No Cold Calling Zone in Mayford Road.
- Contributed ideas and represented residents’ views on the development of the new Springfield Park off Burntwood Lane.
- Opposed the inappropriate location of a mobile phone mast at Nightingale Lane and negotiated a better location by Wandsworth Common station.
March 2018
Jaggard Way update
Following your local Conservative councillors’ successful lobbying to have the application to build 86 homes on the Jaggard Way industrial unit site refused at the January planning committee, we are keeping in close touch with planning officers so we are alerted to any further developments. Cllr Sarah McDermott says, ‘We will continue to stand up for our local residents and ensure that they are fully consulted should another application come forward – any new development must fit properly into our community’
Community Speedwatch along St James’s Drive
St James’s Drive has not initially been included in the blanket 20 mph zone across the borough because it is a ‘B’ road. Wandsworth transport officers will consider reducing the limit to 20mph when the borough scheme is reviewed later this year. From speaking to residents, many feel that the whole road between 'The Hope' pub at the junction with Bellevue Road and the junction at Trinity Road should be made as safe as possible with a reduction in the speed limit for the benefit of all users, drivers and pedestrians.
On Monday 19th March (4.00–6.00pm) Nightingale Conservative Councillors were working with the police to record the speeds of all vehicles along St James’s Drive to provide research evidence.
Upper Tooting Park speed check rescheduled
The session set for Wednesday 7 March was postponed because police and council staff were dealing with the Thames Water pipe burst at Tooting Broadway. We are pleased to let you know that Community Speedwatch has been rescheduled for Thursday 22nd March (4.00-6.00pm). Come and join us.
Speed to be monitored along Chestnut Grove again
We know that residents and parents of students at Chestnut Grove Academy are concerned about the traffic along Chestnut Grove. The next Speedwatch session here will be on Wednesday 28th March (3.00-4.30pm). At the last speed check on 21st February, 45 vehicles were recorded, with 15 travelling at or below 25mph, 30 driving above 25mph and one at 31mph. The evidence from the March session will be collated and presented to highways officers as part of our ongoing campaign to improve safety for all along Chestnut Grove.
Road surface and pavements improved along Chestnut Grove
Your Nightingale Conservative councillors have also been concentrating on improving drainage, renewing road markings and repairing surfaces along Chestnut Grove, particularly outside the school. To date, at our request highways officers have:
- Repainted the mini-roundabout markings at the Endlesham Road junction
- Scheduled the repair of the speed table ramps for April
- Cleared out the drains to prevent localised flooding
- Added to the repair schedule pavements at the Endlesham Road junction and outside the Regent pub
- Repainted the 20 mph road marking at the Boundaries Road entrance to the Academy
Cllr Sarah McDermott met the Principal of Chestnut Grove Academy to discuss ways to improve the road safety of students and residents along Chestnut Grove so school and locals can tackle the issues together.
Cllr Richard Field comments, ‘If you are aware of any other defects along Chestnut Grove – or any road – please do let us know so we can arrange repair’
Tooting Bec and Trinity Road shops
Nightingale Conservative councillors have been working with local businesses along Trinity Road near to Tooting Bec. Cllr Ian Hart says, ‘Our aim is to smarten up this part of the ward to help small businesses attract customers. With the proximity of the tube and the success of the Wheatsheaf, it is a locality with great potential’
Nightingale House
We are proud to have Nightingale House, one of the best residential and nursing homes for the elderly in the country, here in Nightingale ward. We paid a visit to one of the Nutrition and Hydration Week events to find out more about the promotion of healthy living and to let the residents know what is going on in the local community. Cllr Sarah McDermott says, ‘I also popped in to visit the Apples and Honey Nursery and saw elderly residents and young children enjoying a sing-song to mark the ending of Shabbat – a wonderful inter-generational get-together!’
Bellevue Road update
Following the initial consultation in the autumn on upgrading the public realm along Bellevue Road we have been working with highways officers to make sure ideas from residents and businesses are incorporated in the more detailed design. A further public consultation is planned for May and all being well work should commence on the improvements in the autumn/winter 2018. Cllr Ian Hart says, ‘Bellevue Road is a popular shopping parade and is ready to be smartened up for residents, visitors and businesses. We will also keep you posted on the popular campaign to reduce traffic speeds to 20mph when we know more’
Tantallon and Gosberton Roads resurfacing
Thank you to all the residents who put in pleas to improve Gosberton and Tantallon Roads. It has helped us to secure early resurfacing dates. Tantallon Road will be resurfaced on 19-20th March and Gosberton Road will be resurfaced on 21-22nd March. Highways officers will hand out reminders to vehicle owners to park their cars in other roads for these dates.
The ‘Beast from the East’ and potholes
Following the severe, cold snap at the beginning of March, roads often will suffer from the effects of ice and snow. Please report any potholes and we will get them seen to as soon as possible.
Thames Water problems
Burst water pipes and the loss of water in our part of South London caused severe disruption and distress just after the icy weather. Nightingale councillors worked closely with residents to inform them about water bottle pick-up points and the closure of schools. Cllr Richard Field liaised particularly closely with Fernside Road residents and Thames Water following the road collapse linked to a pipe-burst to make sure the elderly and vulnerable were coping.
We are pleased to announce that schools that had to close (Trinity St Mary’s, Ravenstone, Fircroft and Ernest Bevin) will receive compensation of £2,500. Domestic householders without water for extended periods will receive compensation of up to £150:
Cllrs Field and McDermott attended the annual meeting of the Balham and Tooting Community Association (BATCA) to provide support to this excellent organization that promotes good relations among all the different communities and faiths in Balham and Tooting. Plans were made for the Community Awards evening, the Summer Fair and the Peace Ceremony as well as discussing the possibility of a sports event for younger people.
Ravenstone Street planning
Following the refusal of 8 x 3 storey 3 bedroom houses on the site of the old garages at 189 Balham High Road at the planning committee in November last year, the developer not only has appealed but also is aiming to submit revised plans. Cllr Sarah McDermott says, ‘You can rest assured that I will continue to stand up for the Ravenstone Street residents and work to get the best possible outcome’
Bedford Hill improvements
Preliminary proposals have been drawn up to improve the stretch of Bedford Hill from Balham High Road to the Bedford pub. Improvements would include safer junctions with the side roads, upgraded paving, planting and the introduction of a 20mph zone. Cllr Ian Hart comments, ‘Local people will be given the chance to have their say on the proposals and make their mark on the improvements’
Dates for your diary
If you would like us to include any dates of events in or near Nightingale ward do contact us with the details.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and@_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
February Newsletter
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative local councillors.
Please feel free to forward the bulletin to friends and neighbours in the area.
Cllr Richard Field (@_RichardField_)
Cllr Ian Hart (@IanHart14)
Cllr Sarah McDermott (@NightingaleSMcD)
Email: [email protected]
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors
Jaggard Way planning proposal refused
We are delighted to announce that the Council’s planning applications committee unanimously refused the application for 86 homes and 1,000sqm of flexible office and/or light industrial and/or assembly and leisure floor-space on the site of the current workshops along Jaggard Way. Cllr Sarah McDermott spoke on behalf of residents, many of whom turned up on the evening to support the objections, emphasising serious concerns about the scale and built form of the proposal, the loss of employment, the unclear amount of affordable housing and the detrimental impact on the amenities of near neighbours. Cllr Richard Field, a member of the committee, comments, ‘These proposals were completely out of character with their attractive surroundings and took away viable and popular light industrial businesses – we need better than this’.
More Community Speedwatch sessions in Nightingale than any other ward
We continue to remind and educate drivers about the correct speed they should be doing along our residential roads. If you or any children who would like to come along and have a go with the speed-gun, just turn up and join us and the police. The next sessions to monitor traffic speeds are:
Balham Park Road – Tuesday 20 February 3-5pm
Upper Tooting Park – Wednesday 7 March 4-6pm
St James’s Drive – Monday 19 March 4-6pm
Chestnut Grove – Wednesday 28 March 3-4.30pm
Bellevue Road 20 mph petition
Cllr Richard Field presented the petition at the Council meeting on 7 February. It comprised 200 signatures from local residents, shoppers and businesses who would like Bellevue Road included in the borough wide 20 mph zone. Council officers will now investigate the request and let us know what options might be feasible to ensure Bellevue Road is a safe place for families – and dogs.
Great schools in Nightingale ward
Not only do we have an impressive choice of schools in Wandsworth (97% rated good or outstanding by Ofsted), but we are very proud to have such good schools in our ward. Congratulations to Balham Nursery on their recent outstanding Ofsted inspection. Add to this, good judgements at Trinity St Mary’s and in the top 5% nationally for maths, outstanding judgements at Oak Lodge, Holy Ghost and Chestnut Grove and excellent independent inspections at Finton House and Hornsby House. Cllr Sarah McDermott comments, ‘As lead member for education and children’s services in Wandsworth I know the best start for children is essential for them to get on in life. In Nightingale our schools are certainly showing the way!’
Chestnut Grove Academy
We are pleased to see that work is nearly complete on the major upgrade of school buildings at Chestnut Grove. An official opening ceremony is due to take place in the spring. Cllr Sarah McDermott is to meet Christian Kingsley, the headteacher, to discuss Chestnut Grove’s important place in our community. One aspect that we are addressing with the police and Council officers is the road safety of residents and school pupils at the beginning and end of the school day.
Planning refusal pleases Ravenstone residents and parents
Proposals for the replacement of garages at the back of 189 Balham High Road with 8 three-storey mews houses were turned down at the planning applications committee. Ravenstone parents were concerned with the potential overlooking of the playground and Ravenstone Street residents felt the building was too close to the backs of their houses. Cllr Ian Hart comments, ‘Members of the planning committee were rightly persuaded that the development would be too tight for this site and negatively affect adjoining properties. We will do all we can to make sure any further plans are better thought out’.
Parking regulations on the Flowersmead housing estate were confusing many of us, so we arranged a meeting with parking and housing officers to clarify the parking zone hours. The estate now has clear yellow lines, improved signage and clarity that parking is restricted on Monday to Friday 9.30-5.30 and not at weekends.
Blitz on graffiti
We are quick to report graffiti around the ward (see before and after photos below). The ‘Report It’ app is easy to use for councillors and residents and can be easily downloaded from the Wandsworth Council website:
Cllr Sarah McDermott has a walk planned with representatives from the Wandsworth Common Management Advisory Committee (MAC) to spot and report graffiti on the bins, walls, trees and various other unusual places on the common.
Public realm improvements along Bellevue Road and Bedford Hill
Funding has been approved and plans are well under way to improve the pavements, lighting and shop forecourts along Bellevue Road. A ‘Keep Clear’ box will also be added at the junction with Wiseton Road. A consultation is also about to commence for similar public realm upgrades along Bedford Hill from the High Road junction to the Bedford pub. Cllr Ian Hart says, ‘We are pleased that our local shopping parades are to be spruced up – a good investment for residents, visitors and businesses’
Wimbledon Foundation Get Set, Get Active Fund
If you know of a local group or sports club that would like extra funding to help people of all abilities to be more active and to meet social needs, the Wimbledon Tennis Foundation is open for applications. Grants are available from £500 - £2,500 towards the provision of physical and sports
Brighter lights for the Brighter Borough
New energy efficient LED lights have arrived in Nightingale. The street lights use around 50 per cent less energy, have lower running costs and last an average of 25 years, compared to about six years for traditional bulbs. They are dimmed after midnight yet still keep late home-comers safe. Cllr Ian Hart comments, ‘The different type of illumination takes a few days to get used to but I know residents appreciate the much better directional beams and reduced light pollution’
More trees for Nightingale
Over the winter 664 more trees will be added to our Wandsworth streets, of which a good number will be in Nightingale. This batch of trees is to replace trees that have died or to be part of small highway improvement schemes. Cllr Richard Field says, ‘If you have any queries about trees in your street, just contact us and we will give you more details’.
It’s the little things that matter…
Sometimes it’s the small things that councillors are asked to sort out that make all the difference. For example, arranging for a new road sign in Rowfant Road or organising the unblocking of a drain in Airedale Road. Whatever Council issue you need addressing, don’t forget that we are here to help.
More road resurfacing
The next roads to be resurfaced in Nightingale are Tantallon Road on 19-21 March and Gosberton Road on 21-23 March . Please let us know if you are concerned about the surface of your road and we will find out when it might be upgraded. Also don't forget to alert us to potholes and we will arrange for them to be mende
Dates for your diary
If you would like us to include any dates of events in or near Nightingale ward do contact us with the details.
Future Nightingale Ward e-bulletins
We send out e-bulletins on an ad hoc basis. If you didn’t get the original email but would like to, please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE’ written in the ‘subject’ field. If you would like to unsubscribe please see the options below.
Your local conservative team: Cllrs Richard Field, Sarah McDermott and Ian Hart
January Newsletter
We won’t call time on Nightingale’s pubs
Thanks to our work with the Council, developers cannot change the use of our local pubs or bars without obtaining planning consent.
We know that our pubs, bars and other licensed premises are very popular and a real attraction in Nightingale. We have more pubs than most other wards in Wandsworth, so we are delighted that we recently persuaded the Council to make sure they are protected from demolition or inappropriate changes of use by unscrupulous property developers. Before August 2017, pubs could be turned into other uses such as supermarkets without seeking any change of use permission from planning authorities. Now
the rigorous checks and balance of the planning application process must be passed. This ensures local residents can have a say on any future change of use that could see a pub closing its doors and calling last orders for good. Residents can rest assured that the likes of the Wheatsheaf, Brinkleys, the Althorp, the Hope, the Nightingale, the Regent and the Balham Bowls Club will be among our favourite local meeting places and watering holes for many years to come.
Nightingale welcomes sensible drivers
We are very keen to ensure vehicles stick to the new 20 mph speed limits, and are holding speedwatch sessions with the police as often as possible – in fact we have had more in Nightingale than any other ward. Cars exceeding 25mph receive a warning letter and the few driving over 30 mph may be prosecuted. Effective reminders and education of drivers mean our streets will be safer for all of us and particularly for the elderly and children.
Catch tippers on the fly...
The rear entrance to Balham Park Surgery had long been an eye-sore because of frequent anti-social fly-tipping. Persistence by your local councillors and the GP surgery’s Patient Liaison Group means the gateway is now clear. Rapid cleanup whenever incidents of flytipping occur, new signage and a CCTV camera trained on the area around the doorway is having the right effect. We pride ourselves on reporting any fly-tipping we see, and always encourage robust action from the Council’s Waste Team. The Report It app is also a handy way to log fly-tipping if you’re on the move.
‘overbearing’ plans refused
Nightingale residents as well as Ravenstone School pupils and parents have benefited from the refusal of planning permission for eight threestorey houses in a narrow site off Balham High Road. It was felt the proposals were overbearing for residents in Ravenstone Street and Ravenstone School – and developers were just trying to cram too much into a small space. Cllr McDermott led a successful campaign to rally opposition and spoke at the planning committee, resulting in the application’s refusal.
Pigeons’ feathers ruffled
Pesky pigeons have been making a mess under Balham Bridge again, so we have listened to your concerns and have taken action to stop passers-by being bombarded from above. We have taken up your issues and collected a petition of several hundred signatures, which we took to the Council’s Transport Committee. We are now glad to report that Network Rail will be mending the netting to stop birds roosting along the girders of the bridge.
This is the latest news for Nightingale & Balham from your three Conservative local councillors. We send out a regular monthly e-newsletter and if you would like to sign up to receive it please email [email protected] with ‘SUBSCRIBE NIGHTINGALE’ written in the ‘subject’ field.
Finding out about your Nightingale Councillors
The quickest and easiest way to find out what your Nightingale councillors are doing is to follow us on Twitter. We post information almost daily. Our twitter handles are @NightingaleSMcD @IanHart14 and @_RichardField_ We also have a Nightingale Facebook page: @NightingaleCouncillors
Jaggard Way planning proposal
We are still waiting to hear when the application for 86 homes, 1,000sqm of flexible office and/or light industrial and/or assembly and leisure floor-space with car parking, cycle spaces, public realm and landscaping improvements on the site of the current workshops along Jaggard Way will come to the planning committee. We continue to have serious concerns about the scale and built form of the proposal, the loss of employment and the amount of affordable housing. We persist in making strong representations to the developers and the planning officers. Cllr Sarah McDermott says, ‘I am all ready to speak on behalf of local residents objecting to the application and am just waiting to be informed of the date of the planning meeting. We will let you know as soon as we hear anything’
Nightingale leads way in borough Community Speedwatch sessions
We have been listening to residents’ concerns about speeding drivers, particularly now 20 mph is obligatory in all our residential roads. We are topping the poll in the number of Community Speedwatch sessions we have organised. At this stage much is about reminding and educating drivers about the correct speed they should be doing. However, if their speed is over 25mph they will receive a warning letter and if over 30mph a penalty will be imposed.
The next sessions are:
Bellevue Road – Monday 11 December 11am-1pm
Sarsfeld Road – Tuesday 12 December 8-10am
Saving Wandsworth’s Police.
With the Mayor of London’s proposals to close police stations and change the way we contact our police we urge you to come along to the next Nightingale Safer Neighbourhood Team police meeting to make sure we prioritise our local police to concentrate on what matters to us. The next meeting is on Tuesday 16 January 7pm. The venue has changed to the White Eagle Polish Club, 211 Balham High Road. Cllr Ian Hart says, ‘We think that London’s City Hall has got its priorities wrong. In 2016 Wandsworth had 528 police officers and now we have less than 470. Wandsworth has the lowest crime rate in inner
London and our concern is that the reduction in police numbers will lead to an increase in crime. Please sign the petition below to stop City Hall's police cuts in Wandsworth and for Wandsworth to receive its fair allocation of money
Save our Police in Wandsworth Petition
Should Bellevue Road be 20 mph?
Bellevue Road has not been included in the blanket 20 mph zone across the borough because it is a bus route and a recognised feeder road (B229) connecting Wimbledon to Clapham South. From speaking to residents, many feel that the road between the popular shopping parade and Wandsworth Common should be made as safe as possible for families. So we will be manning a stand on Bellevue Road on Saturday 9 December (10-12noon) when you can sign our petition to ask the Council to include Bellevue Road in the 20 mph scheme. Cllr Richard Field adds, ‘We also will have the petition during our Bellevue Road Community Speedwatch session on Monday 11 December (11am-1pm) to collect more views and signatures. Come and meet us and have a chat!’
Pigeons all a flutter under Balham Bridge
Unfortunately pigeons are starting to make a mess under Balham Bridge again. The responsibility for the netting under the bridge to prevent pigeons nesting and roosting is with Network Rail – established in a High Court case over 10 years ago. We have started a petition to persuade Network Rail to improve the pigeon netting and make it safer and more pleasant for all of us going to and fro to Balham. Please sign it here:
Cllr Sarah McDermott comments, ‘I will be speaking at the Council’s Passenger Transport Liaison Group meeting on 4 December to urge Network Rail to take action. I plan to submit the petition at the meeting to Network Rail.’
Sign the Balham Bridge petition
Graffiti on the railway lines
You will note in the petition that at the same time we are also asking Network Rail remove graffiti from their railway land in the vicinity of the bridge. Cllr Ian Hart says, ‘Residents and visitors arriving in Balham on the train should not be greeted by unsightly graffiti daubed all over the walls and tracks – Network Rail must be more effective in removing graffiti’
Roads and Pavements improved in Nightingale
Following lobbying on your behalf, many roads and pavements in Nightingale have been, are being or are planned to be upgraded. In the last few months, Ouseley Road had brand new pavements and Calbourne, Sarsfeld and Hendham Roads were resurfaced. Currently, Nottingham, Althorp and Wiseton Roads are being repaved. Coming up in the autumn is road re-surfacing for Nottingham Road with Gosberton, Tantallon Roads in February next year. Cllr Ian Hart comments, ‘We take pride in looking after our roads and pavements. Not only are they safer, but they raise the tone of the whole ward’
Bellevue Road public realm improvements
We have been working with Council officers to improve the pavements and shop forecourts on Bellevue Road. Currently local residents and businesses are being asked for their intial views. The final detailed design is scheduled to go to the Community Services committee in November after which a fuller consultation will happen. The money (almost £500K) comes from the CIL (community infrastructure levy) collected from developers. Cllr Sarah McDermott comments, ‘Bellevue Road is a popular destination and now is time to spruce it up again’.
Wiseton Road junction to be kept clear
Wiseton Road residents told us it was difficult for local drivers to enter and exit from their road because of drivers queuing along Bellevue Road. Local residents signed a petition which Cllr Sarah McDermott handed in at the Council meeting. A subsequent survey provided justification not just for an advisory KEEP CLEAR road marking but for a more effective yellow box. Traffic along Bellevue Road will now have the keep this junction clear so local residents can get into and out of Wiseton Road much more safely and easily.
Bellevue Road public realm improvements
We have been working with Council officers to improve the pavements and shop forecourts on Bellevue Road. A consultation with local residents and businesses has just finished with positive support for the upgrade. The implementation funding is recommended to be agreed at the November Finance and Corporate Resources committee. Finer details arising from the consultation are to be discussed and agreed. Cllr Richard Field says, ‘Bellevue Road is a popular local shopping parade and deserves to be smartened up – we are pleased that local councillor lobbying is having the desired effect’.
Grants available for good causes
Remember if you have a good idea that will benefit the community, there are various pots of money to help the project on its way:
Wandsworth Grant Fund: Round 7 is now open. During the year it was agreed to increase the opportunities for voluntary and community groups to make application to the Fund by increasing the number of Rounds from two to three per year. The deadline to receive applications for Round 7 is midnight 18 December.
Wandsworth Local Fund: Wave 5 of the Wandsworth Local Fund (WLF) launched on Monday 13 November and is open to applications until Wednesday 31 January. It is aimed at bigger capital projects over £20K to provide infrastructure improvements in the neighbourhood
BATCA Local Heroes
We are looking forward to the Balham and Tooting Community Association’s Local Heroes awards ceremony on Tuesday 28 November. BATCA have had a bumper crop of nominations for local heroes from all cultures, communities and age groups. We will hear amazing stories of people who give their utmost and achieve great things. Nominations are now closed but if you would like to come along to this great community event:
Brighter lights for the Brighter Borough
New energy efficient LED lights will be coming to Nightingale. The street lights use around 50 per cent less energy, have lower running costs and last an average of 25 years, compared to about six years for traditional bulbs. They are designed to produce the same lighting levels as the existing bulbs, but are able to be dimmed on residential roads while still remaining bright enough for roads to remain safe.
In the meantime, we are pleased to report that the street lights leading from Balham Park Road along the Wandsworth Common path to the station are now all fully working making a safe route for residents on dark winter nights. Cllr Richard Field says, ‘Thank you to residents for reporting the faults to us – we got on to the case immediately’.
More trees for Nightingale
We are delighted that we will be having even more trees in Wandsworth and will make sure that Nightingale has its fair share of the extra greenery on our residential streets. Please contact us if you have any queries about empty tree pits and we will find out if a tree is planned for the space.
Springfield development
Now that the contractor has been chosen for the development at the Springfield Hospital site (STEP - Kajima Partnerships and Sir Robert McAlpine Capital Ventures Ltd), the Springfield Community Forum has been set up to ensure the community is fully involved in the progress of the project. Cllr Sarah McDermott attended the public consultation held in preparation for submitting the planning application and Cllr Ian Hart is a regular attender of the Community Forum meetings to ensure the voice of Nightingale residents is heard loud and clear.
Dates for your diary
If you would like us to include any dates of events in or near Nightingale ward do contact us with the details.