In case you missed the Council meeting last week (14/10/2020) here is a roundup of the key events:
- Local Conservatives set out how the Council successfully responded to COVID-19 in Wandsworth and committed to doing everything they can to help Wandsworth residents in any second wave.
- Labour refused to back the regeneration of the Alton Estate. Blocking regeneration again in an attempt to score political points. Despite Labour’s political games local Conservatives are pressing ahead with the regeneration. But if Labour don’t come together with us it could put the regeneration at risk of not being delivered.
- Ravi Govindia (Leader) praised the Council’s response to the pandemic which included keeping parks open (unlike neighbouring Labour Councils), continuing our weekly bin collection, providing financial and advisory support to businesses and setting up the Community Hub which helped over 6000 residents during the toughest months of the pandemic.
- Labour voted against ending the gridlock in Tooting caused by their A24 changes. Defending Mayor Khan over their own residents and businesses they claim to represent.
- Local Conservatives highlighted their work pedestrianising high streets which led to an increase in revenue for businesses in those streets of 30% compared to last year and saved over 120 jobs.
- While local Conservatives urged unity in tackling the pandemic, Labour played politics with a ‘scattergun’ amendment on COVID-19. Which, typical of Labour’s policy, lacked any substance. Amendments like these are testament to Labour’s approach to politics, they simply flip flop from position to position attempting (and failing) to score political points.
- Clare Salier (Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health) updated Councillors on the Council’s response to COVID-19 in Wandsworth.
- Kim Caddy (Deputy Leader) welcomed an additional £1M from the Government to support rough sleepers in Wandsworth.
- Will Sweet (Cabinet Member for Children’s Services) championed the Council’s 9-Point back to school plan which resulted in all primary schools opening within a week after lockdown. Above the London average.
- Will Sweet highlighted the Council’s strong record on implementing School Streets. With 14 being implemented in the middle of a pandemic bringing Wandsworth’s total number of School streets to 19 with more on the way.
- John Locker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport) criticised TfL for their poor design and implementation of the A24 changes. And urged TfL to acknowledge ongoing problems with the A24 and to take on suggestions from WBC Officers that were provided to TfL prior to the A24 changes.
- John Locker also highlighted Labour’s split position on the A24 with a local Labour MP saying “I’m concerned for the safety of people at bus stops. The difficulties for emergency vehicles particularly ambulances going to and from St George’s. The problems caused for local businesses and overall congestion”. While local Labour Cllrs voted against ending the gridlock caused by Labour run TfL’s changes on the A24.