Labour controlled Wandsworth Council have refused to support low income pensioners struggling with the loss of their Winter Fuel Payments.
As a result of the changes to Winter Fuel Payments announced by the Chancellor Rachel Reeves, only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits, like Pension Credit, will continue to receive payments. This has been criticised by organisations such as Age UK for the impact it will have on pensioners.
While not all elderly residents require financial support to heat their homes during cold spells, many find themselves just above the cut-off for Pension Credit. The threshold is set at an income of £218.25 a week for single pensioners (£11,349 per year) and £332.95 for a couple (£8,657 each per year). 91.3% of those currently receiving Winter Fuel Payments will no longer be eligible.
Cllr Aled Richards-Jones, leader of the Conservative group on Wandsworth Council said:
“Over 20,000 pensioners in Wandsworth will lose their Winter Fuel Payments in the coming weeks. We called for the Council to identify pensioners in Wandsworth who do not meet the eligibility criterion for Pensions Credit but may still suffer hardship due to the Chancellor's proposal - such as pensioners who are just above the threshold for Pensions Credit, or who face extra living expenses due to illness or disability - and to create targeted financial support for those pensioners.
“Funds like the Council’s Cost of Living Reserve exist for precisely this kind of situation – to give those in need a helping hand.
“Despite having the means to do so, Labour have actively chosen not to do so.”
Local Conservatives continue to campaign against this decision. You can support the campaign below.